Operation ‘Rejesha Utulivu II’ Multi-Agency security team together with Laikipia Nature Conservancy (LNC) management held a meeting with elders from the various ‘Mshipi’ zones that neighbor the conservancy at Ol Moran center on 27th August 2022.
The forum was held to provide a platform for all concerned parties to discuss some of the challenges at hand, key among them being the gradual vacation of LNC by herders from the south side of the conservancy, and the eventual implementation of a day grazing plan on the north side. A course of action that will see everyone involved content with the outcome.
Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) representative Major Francis Kithure acknowledged the ground gained since the start of the operation last year and noted the importance of an all-inclusive plan of action that will be carried out transparently to all concerned parties.
“We have come a long way since we began this operation last year and so far, comparatively, we have managed to bring back a semblance of normalcy within the region. Therefore, we should aim to implement the eviction of herders from the south side of the conservancy with tact, good will and aim to carry out all future projects with integration in mind,” he said.
During the meeting, LNC Directors Nigel Adams, Sveva Gallmann and James Mixon urged the elders and government officials present to collaborate and engage with people from the various zones who have set up residences on the south side of the conservancy and, to convince them to vacate peacefully.
“There are a number of projects lined up that have great potential for elevating all who partake. Previously, we had started avocado farming, bee keeping and the employment of rangers all of which created the much needed employment within the communities. It will be only when we can realize the great potential of collaboration that we will be able to forget all this unpleasantness of conflict” the directors added.
All representatives present unanimously agreed with the proposed plan of the complete vacation of LNC and promised to mobilize and realize the set goals within the set timeframe of two to three weeks.
Present in the meeting were Assistant County Commissioner (ACC) Julius Nyaga, representatives from the Special Operations Group (SOG), National Police Reserve (NPR), Chiefs from the various zones, Kaptuya conservancy representatives, Tiaty Peace Wazee representatives and also representatives from the Mugie Community team.
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