A multi-agency security team operating in Hulugho, Garissa County, organized a football tournament to sensitize the locals on security matters and the importance of sporting activities in the community.

Led by Major Samwel Mukundi, the Officer Commanding Hulugho, Assistant County Commissioner, Mr. Kennedy Ledama, OCPD Mr. Julius Munene and Team Leader Special Operations Group, Mr. Seth Mwirigi, the football tournament, dubbed the ‘OC’s Football Challenge,’ attracted six football teams within the broader Hulugho Sub – County and was played for one month.

The competition saw the top three teams awarded with football training kits in addition to cash awards. Old Boys Football Club of Hulugho Location emerged as the overall winner in the tournament.

In his address, Major Mukundi emphasized the importance of such tournaments in providing platforms for the local populace to engage and share insights with security officers on better mechanisms to enhance their livelihoods and security situation.

On his part, the Assistant County Commissioner reiterated the call for peace through such initiatives, saying that security is a collective responsibility.

Besides the identification and enhancement of local talent, the officers also used the platform to encourage communities in the region to zero in on education for posterity.

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