Warrant Officer 1 (WOI) Dennis Talengo was born on 11 November 1964. He was enlisted into the Kenya Defence Forces as a recruit on 06 April 1983 and underwent Basic Military Training at the Armed Forces Training College (AFTC) currently Kenya Military Training Academy. After Completion of his Basic Military Training at AFTC, he was posted to Laikipia Air Base and reclassified as Senior Private Class I upon completion of Communication Trade.

During his career in the Kenya Defence Forces, WOI Dennis Talengo has held several appointments in Unit/Wing level of Command and conducted various assignments in the Kenya Defence Forces, Kenya Air Force. Later in the year 2000, he was nominated to take part in Peace Keeping (UNAMSIL) duties, Sector II HQs in Sierra Leone.
WOI Dennis Talengo rose through the ranks and on 14 March 2007 was promoted to WOII and appointed YEOMAN of Signals Laikipia Air Base.

On 06 July 2011, he was promoted into the rank of Warrant Officer Class 1 and appointed as Base Sergeant Major, Laikipia Air Base, a job he candidly performed well which earned him good reputation to both his juniors and his superiors. He was nominated to participate in Ops Linda Nchi in 2011.

Later, on 14 September 2015, he was posted to HQs, Kenya Air Force and appointed Kenya Air Force Sergeant Major (KAFSM) a position he held to date In recognition to his sterling performance to the Service, WOI Dennis Talengo has been honored and decorated with the following Medals; OGW, Long Service Good Conduct (LSGC), 20th Anniversary, 10 great yrs of Nyayo era, 25th Ann, 20 great Yrs of Nyayo Era, Constitution, UN Medal.

WOI Talengo was an athlete during the period of 1986 to 1992. He is an IAAF trained Coach Level One and Officiating Official. In addition he was a KDF / National Athletic Coach.

WOI Dennis Talengo is married and blessed with eight children.