On Sunday 19 September 2021, worshippers streamed back to various churches across Laikipia County as calm returns to the once troubled region. The worshippers were joined by security forces currently operating in the area under the multi-agency operation. A spot check at Kapedo and Ol Moran centers whithin Laikipia County revealed a large number of worshippers attending church services.

The government declared Laikipia Nature Conservancy (LNC) and its environs a disturbed zone leading to a multiagency security operation to drive out the illegal herders and restore normalcy.

With ground and air patrols both day and night in the area, normalcy within LNC and its environs is slowly returning with previously closed schools reopening.

Within a week, schools in the region have registered impressive attendance with students and teachers heeding the call to restore learning.

At Ol Moran Primary schools, lerners were seen busy undertaking their classes with the school registering a 90% turn up with all teachers present. Tumaini Academy located in Ngare Narok village, about 2km from Ol moran centre has registered a 57% student turn up with the school’s administrator Mr. Peterson Muthua optimistic of full resumption by the end of the second week.

Displaced families are rebuilding their homes with support from the government and traders have resumed business with shops, bars and restaurants reopening. The transport sector has not been left behind as boda boda operators traverse the area to offer the much needed basic transport.

Farmers in areas of Survey, Olmoran and Dam Samaki areas are going about their activies with fresh farm produce the order of the day at the market centres.

Intensified multiagency security patrols continue in the area. The government continues to assure residents of their security with plans underway to enhance the area road network and renovation of affected schools.


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