The Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC) was established in January 2001 as part of the Kenyan Defence Staff College. It initially focused at training of Kenyan forces for UN peace keeping missions and later African Union Peace Support Operations.

PSTC became a separate Kenyan MOSD establishment in July 2006 and in 2008, initial efforts towards “internationalization” were made. In 2009, PSTC Karen merged with International Mine Action Training Centre (IMATC) to form one centre, International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC).

The former PSTC was renamed to Peace and Conflict Studies School (PCSS) and IMATC renamed to Humanitarian Peace Support School (HPSS). In 2011, IPSTC achieved autonomy through formal partnership arrangements with USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Kenya, Germany and UNDP.

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