Kenya Army (KA) Headquarters Chaplain Colonel Father (Col Fr) George Maingi today, 22 February 2023 led Catholic Faithfuls, their families and pupils of Mariakani Primary School in observing Ash Wednesday Mass at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church at Mariakani Garrison Barracks.

Ash Wednesday is celebrated by Christian Faithfuls all over the world to mark the start of a forty-day Lenten season, a period of Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving and penance.

Col Fr Maingi called on the congregants to shun away from evil deeds and turn to the creator as an appreciation of His love and mercy shown through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The celebration is also a reminder of our genesis and destiny as Christians.

“As we mark the beginning of this season, I encourage all Catholics to embark on this long journey with serious prayers and supplication to God. I urge all of you not to dwell on material belongings but cleanse your hearts, remove live obstacles from your faith and abandon self-centeredness to be closer to God, “Col Fr Maingi posited.

Col Fr Maingi marked the congregants’ forehead with ashes in the shape of a cross to show remorse for their sins, beginning a journey of repentance and renewal.

Earlier on, Colonel Father George Maingi conducted a spiritual nourishment session to service personnel at Mariakani Garrison Barracks to equip them spiritually, emotionally and mentally for mission readiness.

In his speech to the soldiers, Col Fr Maingi underscored the importance of setting right goals categorized in five broad spectrums of proper planning, consistency in prayers, people relationships, patience and forgiveness.

“People fail to succeed because of setting their goals too low. I urge you to set the right challenging goals with the sky being the limit. Keep a close relationship with God and everything is achievable, ” said Col Fr Maingi.

He further encouraged the service personnel to open up and form a culture of sharing the problems that may distract them from expediting their work or family life noting that life secrecy is unhealthy and unproductive.

On his part, KA Headquarters Imam Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) Rajab Athman presented a life skill wheel balancing ethics with 8 broad aspects of spirituality, healthy living, Work relationship, Family life, social life, Development as enshrined in resettlement pillar, time for recreation and life planning strategies.

” We must be spirituality connected, accountable, attached and affiliated to religion here in the military and back home. This will only be realized if we find an equilibrium of all our activities,” said Lt Col Athman.

He reiterated the need for early and elaborate preparation and planning to avoid circumstances of time obstruction as soldiers transit through the career ladder.

Col Fr Maingi was received at Mariakani Garrison Barracks by Commanding Officer (CO) 77 Artillery Battalion Lt Col Peter Mugwika who appreciated the privilege of hosting the chaplain and the immense impact of his message on the service personnel’s lives.

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