In this second segment of #KnowYourMilitary, we look at the ranking structure of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) Service Members. This is the non-commissioned cadre of KDF personnel. The junior most rank is that of a Private attained after completing training at the Recruits Training School and the senior most rank is that of a Warrant Officer Class One.

Warrant Officers dressed in combat gear or working dress display their ranks on the right wrist, whilst the other Service Members’ ranks are displayed on the right arm of the uniform. Soldiers of the rank of privates have no insignia until the rank of a Corporal.

Just like in the Officers’ cadre, promotion of Service Members is pegged on performance, discipline, career courses, integrity and seniority in service.

Service Members of the substantive rank of Sergeant (with certain specialized skills/trade) and have served for at least 10 years may apply to join the officers’ cadre. This is upon recommendation for commissioning by his/her commanding officer. With training and commissioning they become Special Duty Officers (SDOs) as outlined in the KDF Act.

Here are the insignias of the Kenya Defence Forces Service Members.


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