The Kenya Army Catholic Chaplaincy led by Colonel (Fr.) George Maingi, on Wednesday 29 September 2021, conducted a one-day mentorship programme at the Moi Forces Academy in Nairobi.
During the motivational talk, Father Maingi emphasised to the pupils the importance of hard work, discipline and religious dedication of both education and daily living.
“All of us are who we are because we dedicated ourselves to studies and the same is also possible if you emulate our example,” advised the Father.
In a talk with the teachers, Father Maingi congratulated them for the good work they have done in moulding the students into good, productive citizens.
“Everyday is a learning day. When you pay attention to the pupils; you also get a chance to learn something new from them,” counselled Father Maingi.
“The way pupils are conducting themselves with discipline, is a clear indication that learning is taking place,” concluded the Army Chaplain.
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