Moi Air Base (MAB) and Laikipia Air Base (LAB) fraternity were treated to entertaining volleyball and football matches held at MAB Sina Makosa grounds on 22nd March 2023.

The event presided over by Base Commander MAB Brigadier Samuel Kipkorir saw Officers compete in football and volleyball matches. The aim was to improve on relationship, enhance physical fitness, competitive spirit and espirit de corps among the Officers.

During the event, Moi Air Base emerged winners in both games. In football MAB won by two goals to one. The goals were scored by Captain Abdulaziz Abdikadir and 2nd Lieutenant Gideon Gitonga while the only goal for Laikipia Air Base was scored by LT Agalomba Besa. In volleyball Laikipia conceded a defeat of 2 sets to nil.

Speaking during the event, Brig Kipkorir urged Officers and Service members to take advantage of such forums to network and build comradeship among themselves.

Also present during the event were Commanding Officers, Officers, and Service members drawn from MAB and LAB.

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