Soldiers from Moi Air Base (MAB) in partnership with Hearts Of Green Organisation, participated in a tree planting exercise at Inkiito Primary School and PCEA Kimuga Girls High School in Kajiado County on 14th and 15th April 2023.

The two-day event drew personel from MAB, Transport Engineering Wing, Helicopter Wing and Headquarter Wing, who were led by Major Samuel Chirchir, representing the Commanding Officer Headquarter Wing.

During the exercise a total of 2500 seedlings were planted in each school and 600 seedlings donated to Inkiito Primary School.

The exercise at Inkiito Primary School was graced by the Deputy Governor, Kajiado County Mr. Martin Moshisho. Speaking during the event, he encouraged all those who were present to take advantage of the rains and plant as many trees as possible aiming at improving the forest cover in the county.

“Thank you all for the efforts you are putting in improving our environment. Planting trees is one of the ways to mitigate climate change. Therefore I would like to urge all of you to aim at protecting the environment,” he said.

On behalf of MAB, Major Chirchir assured the residence of working together with them in taking care of the environment.

“Thank you for always calling on us when there is need of us participating in tree planting. We will continue working together in taking care of the environment and attain the President’s target of planting 15 billion new trees by 2032,” he reitareted.

Also present were, MAB Officers and Service members, representatives from Kenya Forest Service, Kajiado County, Kenya Forest Club and Viva 365 insurance.

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