The National Defence University-Kenya inaugural Journal Volume 1 Issue 1 (2023) was officially launched today at the International Peace Support Training Centre (IPSTC) in an event presided over by the Vice- Chancellor National Defence University-Kenya, Lt General Jonah Mwangi.

A pioneer thematic collection of peers reviewed research papers is pegged on a theme Human Security for National Development and focusses exclusively on the human security dimension within Kenya and the wider Eastern Africa Sub region against a backdrop of the prevailing and emmerging social, economic and political realities.

The journal also offers a platform to share knowledge derived from research findings, generated by the University community, resource persons from security agencies scholars and industry experts.

In his address, Lt General Mwangi, noted that academic journals contribute immensely to the formation of scholarly communities to which Universities occupy the foremost seat on account of their responsibility to enhance academic inquiry into issues and persistent search for solutions to challenges affecting humanity.

” Accordingly, NDU_K journal publication such as the one we are realising today and others in the pipeline offer a unique platform for authors to bring forth new knowledge, share insights on pertinent topics and publish research findings more so on our specialised dormain.” He said.

He at the same time commended the authors for believing in the University and sparing their time to meticulously communicate their ideas through through the theme of the journal.

Additionally, he challenged military scholars and authors of the need to publish continually since scholarly output is crucial parameter upon which the success of the University will be measured.

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