Good morning to you all.

I am pleased to launch the newlook website of our Ministry. Today, good communication is an an imperative for any organization.  Our website therefore is a critical window to the Ministry of Defence as we execute our constitutional mandate for the protection and defence of the sovereignty of the Republic of Kenya.  This website will therefore be an authoritative source of information site that I believe will be easily accessible, user friendly and readily identifiable with MOD.

The importance of a dynamic website in this day and age cannot be over – emphasized. It is a necessary tool of communication that cuts across the board, addressing our society as well as the world.

The revamping and launching of this website too, answers to the Presidential vision to make Kenya a digital nation, and hence his Directive to use IT in easing access to information by the public. This requirement is also a constitutional imperative. I am therefore very pleased and compliment the team that has worked together to realize this goal.

Historically, and across the world, Ministries of Defence have been seen as closed society but the democratic imperative for accountability and transparency; as well as importance of informing the public of value addition, has necessitated greater communication.  This new interactive website and MOD’s vibrant social media platforms (twitter handle, Facebook page and YouTube account) we enable us to inform of our activities and engage with the other publics.  As we all know we exist for the society and therefore we take seriously the duty to inform society.

As our population becomes more information survy and the young generation indulges more in the digital world – especially on social networking sites, the Ministry recognizes that we need to capitalize on this and aims to connect with this population, with the families of our soldiers and general public. I have no doubt this will remove myths about the military but also secure stronger support our Defence Forces.  Besides understanding us, I also believe that enhanced communication will also help us serve our clients more effectively.

I have been following the process of revamping this website and I am pleased at the new features that have been introduced including accommodating publications, live streaming and photo albums that offer a capsule of the MOD.

I hope that this new MOD website will be a model of an appealing and informative site that will attract not only the common citizenry but also researchers and scholars.

As we are engaged in doing all these, the slogan “information is knowledge and knowledge is power” comes to mind.  We intend to provide quality information and hope to see greater public engagement with our website, including providing us with feedback on our service to the nation.

Finally, I thank the team that has worked on this website and look forward to their ensuring that this remains an alive and dynamic website that delivers on the promise of timely and good quality information to the Republic of Kenya and beyond.  Kudos and well done to the team.

Thank you.


Launch of the website 10 March 2021

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