Somalia education architecture has been hard hit by a three decade internal conflict that has left behind dilapidated schools and disadvantaged many school-age going children calling on the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) troops operating in Somalia under the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to step in and help in renovating the schools to create a conducive environment for the education-thirsty children.

Positive and conducive learning environment increases students’ attention and focus promotes meaningful learning experiences, motivates students to practice higher-level critical thinking skills. The KDF soldier based in Afmadhow Forward Operating Base (FOB), today 23 November 2022, finished a week-long renovation project at Dohbale school where they renovated sixteen classrooms, the principals’ office and two ablution blocks. The renovation included repair of damaged classwalls, reconstruction of damaged verandas and paint works.

During the presentation of the renovation works, the troops donated 500 exercise books, 250 pens and held a medicamp where they attended to 80 patients with various ailments.

Speaking during the event, the school principal Abdullahi Saad Ibrahim noted that when children attend schools it reduces chances of them being radicalized and recruited into insurgencies.

“In school children are taught mutual respect, torelance, means of resolving conflicts non-violently and most importantly skills development for self empowerment. These helps keep them away from criminal involvement,” added the principal.

Officer Commanding Afmadhow FOB, Major Andrew Wamocha noted that schools are sites for daily interactions between the population in an area and if used the right way they help in mitigating conflict and contributing to state building and KDF is committed to improving the institutions in their area of responsibility in order to Forster peace and security in Somalia.

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