Outgoing Chief of the Defence Forces (CDF) General Robert Kibochi on 4th May 2023 made a transitional visit to the Headquarters Kenya Army to bid farewell to the Kenya Army Personnel. He was accompanied by CDF General Francis Ogolla and Vice Chief of the Defence Forces (VCDF) designate Lieutenant General Jonah Mwangi.
The visit gave the outgoing CDF the opportunity to interact and share experiences with the Kenya Army Personnel before he officially hands over command of the KDF to the incoming CDF in line with the Kenya Defence Forces traditions.

In his address to the Kenya Army personnel, General Kibochi expressed his gratitude for their service and commitment to duty in defending and protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Kenya against land based threats.

“I appreciate all Kenya Army personnel in active service, those deployed in the various operational theatres; deep operations, close operations, Operation Amani Boni, Operation Maliza Uhalifu and regional deployments among them Africa Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), East Africa Community Regional Force (EACRF), for your dedication and sacrifice in every task you undertake to ensure our nation and region is secure, may you always endeavor to fulfill your mandate,” said Gen Kibochi

The outgoing CDF highlighted the ongoing Kenya Defence Forces operations, strategic priorities and a broad spectrum of the welfare framework catering for the KDF personnel, their families and military veterans.

“Sharpening the arrow head is continuous process and entails first-class training of all personnel and a soldier centric welfare approach for mission readiness. The welfare of the KDF personnel and their dependent is very critical which will continue being invested in,” he said.

In his remarks, the Commander Kenya Army Lieutenant General Peter Njiru thanked the outgoing CDF for his remarkable support and guidance to the Kenya Army service in helping it achieve its mandate.

“The Kenya Army has witnessed immense growth under your command in terms of personnel welfare and logistics support. Your philosophy, sharpening the arrow head for mission readiness has guided as the Kenya Army in delivering our mandate. We are grateful to have benefitted from your vast experience, guidance and wise counsel. We wish you well as you transition to serve the nation in other capacity,” said Lt Gen Njiru.

Present during the visit were event were Deputy Army Commander Major General David Tarus, General Officer Commanding Border Security Command Major General William Shume, Commandant Joint Command and Staff College Major General John Nkoimo, Commandant Kenya Military Academy Major General Fatuma Ahmed, Kenya Army Formation Commanders, Senior Officers and Service Members.

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