Participants of Course 27 of 2024/2025 from National Defence College (NDC), a College of National Defence University-Kenya (NDU-K), recently conducted National Study Visits that covered public and private sector institutions of strategic importance dealing with governance, industry, economy, defence and national security.  The visits were aimed at the Course Participants concretizing the theoretical knowledge gained in class and drawing comparisons with actual application of policies and strategies in the institutions visited. The Course participants also analyzed the social-political, economic and cultural aspects of the organizations and their impact on national and international security.

Under the leadership of Lieutenant General Juma Mwinyikai (Commandant NDC), Major General Stephen Mutuku (Deputy Commandant Military), Ambassador Nabukwesi (Deputy Commandant Civil) and Major General Peter Githinji, Senior Directing Staff, the Course Participants divided into five (5) teams visited public and private institutions in Nairobi, Coast, Rift Valley, Nyanza, Western, Eastern and Central regions.

In the visits the teams paid courtesy calls on military commanders and leadership of the public and private institutions in Nairobi and the different regions in Kenya they visited.  The Course Participants interacted with the practitioners in the institutions and drew comparative analysis to inform formulation of grand strategies in Kenya and the countries represented by Allied Course Participants, including Botswana, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Malawi, Namibia, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

The participants not only examined the regional cooperation dynamics and how this influences security and development but also evaluated how diplomatic and military cooperation enhances security and development. The teams also identified the current policies in the visited organizations and how they dealt with perceived present and future challenges/threats to national security. As part of their learning, the Course Participants prepared reports with recommendations to inform policy and strategy formulation for national security in Kenya and the respective countries represented by the Allied Course participants,

Jointly, all the teams led by the Commandant visited Defence Headquarters (DHQ), and Kenya Army, Kenya Air Force and Kenya Navy Headquarters.  At DHQ and Kenya Army HQ, the teams were briefed on the roles and organizations of the DHQ and Kenya Army HQs respectively. The DHQ team that conducted briefing to the Course Participants was led by the Vice Chief of the Defence Forces, Lt Gen J M Omenda.  The Commander Kenya Army, Lt Gen David Tarus with his staff briefed and answered the questioned posted by the Course Participants.  At the Kenya Air Force, the teams were briefed by Kenya Air Force Commander Maj Gen Fatuma G Ahmed and her staff on the roles and organization of the Kenya Air Force and thereafter viewed a static display of the various platforms operated by the Kenya Air Force. Subsequently the teams visited Kenya Navy Headquarters, Mombasa, for an experiential practicum, beginning with a courtesy call to Commander Kenya Navy, Major General Paul Otieno, in his office at the Kenya Navy Headquarters. The group received detailed briefings on the organization, roles, and contributions of the Kenya Navy in ensuring the sovereignty and protection of Kenya’s maritime borders. The Course participants were airlifted using transport aircraft operated by Kenya Air Force and had sea excursion onboard Kenya Navy Ship (KNS) JASIRI and KNS SHUPAVU, which provided an insight into the challenges and responsibilities faced by Kenya Air Force and Kenya Navy personnel in air and at sea.

The Course Participants who conducted their study tour in Nairobi and Coast region were under the leadership of Lt Gen Mwinyikai and visited Defence Headquarters, Kenya Army, Kenya Air Force and Kenya Navy Headquarters, Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), General Motors, National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and Kenya Meat Commission in Nairobi. In the Coat region the team visited Mombasa County Headquarters, Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya Wildlife Services Marine Park Mombasa and Luigi Broglio Malindi Space Centre.

The second team of Course Participants under the leadership of Major General Stephen Mutuku, the Deputy Commandant Military, had its study tour in Nairobi and Rift Valley and visited Kenya Revenue Authority, Kenya Aviation Authority, KenGen, Nakuru County Headquarters, Nakuru National Park, Simba Cement and Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization.

The third team was under Amb Nabukwesi, the Deputy Commandant Civil and toured Kenya Defence, Kenya Army Kenya Air Force and Kenya Navy Headquarters, Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Communication Authority of Kenya, Kenya Meat Commission and Kenya Industries Properties Institute. In Nyanza and Western region, the team visited the County Government of Kisumu, Lake Basin Development Authority, Kibos Sugar Factory, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Organization, Kisumu Impala Sanctuary and East Africa Breweries Limited.

The fourth team was under Major General Peter Githinji, Senior Directing Staff and visited Kenya Defence, Kenya Army HQs, Kenya Air Force Kenya Navy Headquarters. In Nairobi, the team also visited Kenya National Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KNCCI). National Industrial Training Authority (NITA), SGR, and Konza Technopolis.  While in the experiential practicum in Eastern Region, the team visited Machakos County, Kalamba Fruit Development Authority and Mwea Irrigation Scheme.

The fifth team was under Brigadier Richard Mwanzia, Senior Directing Staff Army and visited Kenya Defence Forces, Kenya Army, Kenya Air Force and Kenya Navy Headquarters. In Nairobi and Central region, the team visited IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre (ICPAC), Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service, Kenya Industrial Research & Development Institute, National Biosafety Authority, Thika Cloth Mills Limited, Brookside Dairy Limited, Semiconductor Technologies Limited (STL) , and County Government of Nyeri.

Participants of Course 27 of 2024/2025 from National Defence College during their visit at the Defence Headquarters

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