In a groundbreaking collaboration between Kenya Quick Reaction Force (QRF) and Brazilian Jungle Warfare Mobile Training Team (JWMTT), both serving under the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO), have initiated a rigorous three-week jungle warfare training course in the heart of Beni, Eastern DRC.
The commencement of this joint training endeavor marks a significant milestone in international peacekeeping efforts, showcasing the dedication of these two nations to enhance their capabilities and contribute to the stability of the region.
Under the lush canopy of the dense Congolese jungle, soldiers from Kenya’s QRF, renowned for their expertise in jungle warfare, join forces with their Brazilian counterparts, who bring their extensive knowledge of tropical environments and counterinsurgency tactics. The collaboration aims to harness the strengths of both units and promote interoperability in tackling the complex challenges of peacekeeping missions in hostile environments.
Lieutenant Colonel Ambrose Mwabili , the Commanding Officer of the Kenyan QRF, emphasized the importance of this training program: “Jungle warfare presents unique challenges that require specialized skills and tactics. By sharing our experiences and learning from the Brazilians, we hope to become even more effective in our mission to protect civilians and maintain peace in this region.”
Brazilian Lieutenant Colonel Joao Carlos Duque, who leads his unit, echoed Lieutenant Colonel Mwabili’s sentiments: “The diversity of our soldiers and the expertise we have gained from operating in the Amazon rainforest make us a valuable partner in this venture. Together with our Kenyan colleagues, we aim to raise the bar for peacekeeping forces in jungle environments.”
The course curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including navigation in dense foliage, survival skills, patrolling techniques and medical care in austere conditions . Participants will undergo grueling physical and mental challenges, pushing them to their limits and preparing them for the unpredictable nature of jungle warfare.
As the jungle warfare course unfolds over the next three weeks, it is anticipated that the Kenyan QRF and Brazilian Jungle Warfare Team will forge stronger bonds, exchange invaluable knowledge, and emerge as even more formidable peacekeeping units. Their dedication to mastering the complexities of jungle warfare reaffirms their commitment to safeguarding the fragile peace in Eastern DRC and serving as a beacon of hope for the region’s residents.
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