Today is International Day of Forests, the Kenya Navy observed this day together with other environmental stakeholders from the Coast region by learning about trees and tree planting at the Moi Forces Academy (MFA), Mombasa.

The International Day of Forests was established by a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 and is observed annually on 21st March. It is aimed at celebrating and raising awareness of all types of forests and trees for the benefit of current and future generations.

The event was presided over by Deputy Commander Kenya Navy Base (KNB) Mtongwe Colonel Evans Oguga. Also, in attendance was the Deputy County Commissioner Likoni Sub-County Mr. Mathew Wambugu, who reiterated the importance of planting trees stating that, It is important to teach our children the importance of planting trees. Noting that trees have long-term benefits to our communities and food security, urging all to endeavour to plant trees.

The Mombasa County Conservator Mr. Benjamin Muindi urged the participants to plant more trees quoting this year’s theme of “Forest and Health”.

“A healthy forest will bring healthy people.” Adding that, according to the United Nations, forests are home to about 80% of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity. An estimated 1.6 million people use trees for their livelihood, such as food, shelter, energy, and income generation. People in cities depend on forest resources for clean air and fresh water.

During the event, a total of 200 different tree species provided by the Kenya Forest Service were planted by Mombasa County Administrative Officers, National Youth Service Personnel, students, and parents from MFA.

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