The Deputy Commander Kenya Navy, Brigadier Lawrence Gituma, flagged off Exercise Jitegemee XXII at the Kenya Navy Dockyard earlier this week.

Exercise Jitegemee is an annual Kenya Navy sea training cruise aimed at training young officers and sailors locally, equipping them with the practical knowledge and skills necessary to undertake tasks in fulfilment of the Kenya Navy mandate.

The objectives of the exercise include acquisition of high standard of practical sea training for Junior Officers Under Training (JOUTS), crew training, testing the ship equipment and diplomatic visits.

The training further reinforces the theoretical training the officers have received at the Kenya Naval Training College (KNTC) setting the foundation of having competent and skilled divisional ships’ officers able to conduct maritime operations effectively.

During the voyage, the two Kenya Navy Ships (KNS), Jasiri and Shujaa will make port calls to Ports along the Indian Ocean. The diplomatic visits are geared towards strengthening military relations, enhancing Naval collaborations and developing interoperability with the host Navies.

During his speech, Brigadier Gituma reminded the young officers and sailors to be good ambassadors in the countries they will visit, maintain high standards of discipline and portray the good image of the Kenya Navy and the country as a whole.

In order to equip the JOUTS with the right skills, various evolutions and exercises have been lined up for execution in accordance with the training program. The skills will enable the junior officers work at the ship’s bridge, control ship maneuvers, ensure safe passage and navigation of ships at sea and manage the bridge staff and ship routines while on watch.

Brigadier Gituma encouraged the JOUTS and sailors to take the exercises positively.

“During evolutions, you will be physically fatigued and mentally exhausted; uphold yourselves as required, push your limits and allow the training to mold you to become better commanders and leaders,’’ advised the Deputy Commander.

The Deputy Commander wished the crew and trainees fair winds and following seas reminding them to adhere to the mitigation measures put in place to curb the COVID-19 pandemic.

Present during the flag off were senior officers, officers and Kenya Navy soldiers.

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