The Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Defence Honourable Aden Duale today officially handed over the Wanini Kireri Magereza and the National Police Service level IV Hospitals at the Prisons Service Training College (PSTC) in Ruiru and Mbagathi respectively.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) had been tasked to oversee the construction of the state of the art, 150 bed capacity hospitals, equipped with Intensive Care Units, Maternities, Highly Dependant Units, two theatres each and Dental services, in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior and National Administration.

These facilities are under a broader health care program aimed at ensuring access to essential medical services by security bodies which the Forces Referral and Research level VI hospital in Kabete currently under construction is also a part of, and seeks to serve all security organs and regional security allies.

Speaking during the auspicious ceremony the Hon. Aden Duale extended his gratitude to KDF and the Kenya Prisons Service for their unwavering dedication to service and commitment in maintaining law and order as well as safe guarding our borders.

He highlighted that the establishment of the facilities is a testament to the government’s commitment in providing quality healthcare services to all it’s citizens including the country’s security organs.

The Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Interior and National Administration Hon. Kithure Kindiki committed to taking care of the facilities and the equipments set to run them, emphasising on the  importance, saying it is easier and cost effective to renovate on a yearly basis rather than renovating an entire hospital.

His sentiments were echoed by the Principal Secretary for Correctional Services Dr. Salome Beacco, who expressed her gratitude to the MoD and KDF fraternity for their cooperation and support in seeing the construction of the facilities to the very end.

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