This country owes a great debt of gratitude to our brave members of a multi-agency security team from the Kenya Defence Forces, National Police Service, National Police Reservists among other agencies for working tirelessly and selflessly to “silence guns” in the North Rift and ensuring that the region is habitable.

Earlier in the week, the CS Defence made an inspection tour to the Kolowa area in Elgeyo Marakwet county to assess the security situation and inspect the ongoing rebuilding process being done by our troops.

Kolowa is one of the areas of responsibility for the Mult-agency security persworking under “Operation Maliza Uhalifu” (OMU). The area was previously under a vicious cycle of attacks from bandits and cattle rustlers for decades but the vice has been suppressed by the security teams and the situation returned to normalcy in recent months owing to the valuable efforts of our security teams.

The government has an elaborate economic blueprint to develop the region to make it compete favourably with the rest of the country by contributing to the growth of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) through meaningful socio-economic activities.

The government is keen to eradicate banditry for good and ready to roll out various programmes and projects among them roads, healthcare, agriculture, and education to attract investments and other other legitimate income generating activities

I reassured the men and women at the frontline of our absolute support by equipping them to effectively and efficiently discharge this patriotic duty of silencing criminal activities.

The government is in high stages of establishing security bases, military barracks, and police stations in the area to ensure long-lasting peace and timely response to any security threat.

I urged the leaders and the community to work closely with the security forces for the success of the operation and long-lasting peace, security, and stability.

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