The Cabinet Secretary (CS) for Defence Amb. Dr. Monica Juma has officially launched a new look website (https://mod.go.ke/) for the Ministry at the Defence Headquarters in Nairobi today.

During the launch, the CS stated that the new website will be the Ministry’s source of authoritative information and a portal for free interaction with members of the public on matters KDF.

“I believe the website is easily accessible, user friendly and readily identifiable with MOD,” she said during her address.

The CS further emphasized on the importance of the new website to Government communications citing that, “The revamping and launching of this website too, answers to the Presidential vision to make Kenya a digital nation, and hence his Directive to use IT in easing access to information by the public. This requirement is also a constitutional imperative,” she added.

The CS maitained that the new website will not only be helpful to the public but shall also provide a good site for researchers to access KDF information.

Dr. Monica Juma also said, “The importance of a dynamic website in this day and age cannot be over-emphasized. It is a necessary tool of communication that cuts across the board, addressing our society as well as the world.”

This new interactive website and MOD’s social media platforms (Twitter handle, Facebook page and YouTube account) will enable the Ministry to inform the public of its activities and engage with the other publics.

The new website is aimed at capitalizing and connecting with an information survy population that interacts more on digital platforms and not only wishes to remove myths about the military but also secure stronger support for the Defence Forces.

The revamped website incorporates new features including accommodating publications, live streaming of videos and hosting of photo albums that offer a capsule of the MOD. It also runs a video as its banner among many other intuitive features and historical information.

The Principal Secretary for Defence Dr. Ibrahim Mohamed, Vice Chief of the Defence Forces Lt Gen Levi Mghalu, ACDF OPD&T Maj Gen Jonah Mwangi, ACDF P&L Maj Gen Fatuma Ahmed, DMS Maj Gen (Dr) George Ng’ang’a and other Senior Officers were present during the launch.

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