Defence Cabinet Secretary, Hon. Aden Duale has today, 08 February 2023, reaffirmed the government ’s commitment to end banditry, restore peace and normalcy in the six counties declared as dangerous and disturbed during his visit to ‘Operation Maliza Uhalifu’ North Rift.

During the tour he was briefed by the multi-agency security teams operating in Baringo, Elgeyo Marakwet and Samburu counties. The Rift Valley Regional Commander reported that the security teams have realized critical milestones by recovering several heads of livestock, illegal firearms and reopening of schools and roads that were controlled by the bandits.

He said the multi-agency approach has enhanced their interoperability, skills sharing and synergy that has made it possible to coordinate the operation across the six counties covering Operation Maliza Uhalifu (OMU) namely; Baringo, Samburu, Laikipia, Turkana, West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet.

Speaking during the series of meetings with the multi agency teams, Hon. Duale reaffirmed that the multi agency approach would restore normalcy in the affected regions. Recalling that the security agencies have firm instructions from His Excellency the President to find lasting solution for peace and tranquility in the region.

He commended the teams noting that, in 25 days since the commencement of the operation, the security situation had greatly improved following joint efforts by the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), National Police Service (NPS), General Service Unit (GSU), Anti-Stock Theft Unit (ASTU) and National Government Administration Officers(NGAO).

“We are sending a strong message to the bandits that we’re in this theatre to stay. We are not leaving until we are convinced that the security has improved and the bandits are degraded so that socio-economic development can take place,” said the CS.

He lauded the multi-agency security teams for their dedication saying the government shall go out of it’s way to support the security agencies in the mission area.

“We are going to set up serious military installations and GSU camps in the area, creating a network of quick reaction forces. The bandits dared us, and we’ve come in full force to find a lasting solution,” stated the CS.

In addition, he affirmed that the military shall conduct Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) activities in the region such as; establishment of medical camps, construction of schools and sinking boreholes to provide social amenities for the communities.

The CS toured the Chemolingot Multi-Agency Command Centre (Baringo), Tot Multi-agency Camp (Elgeyo Marakwet), and Samburu County Commissioner’s Offices in Maralal.
During the visit, the CS was accompanied by the General Officer Western Command (GOC West Com) Major General David Tarus, the GSU Commandant Mr. Douglas Kanja and Samburu County Commissioner Mr. Henry Wafula.

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