The shortlisted tradesmen/women who had applied for the various trades advertised by the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) have been recruited at Embakasi Garrison in Nairobi.

The candidates have been at Embakasi Garrison for the last five days, having arrived on Sunday 28th March 2021.

One of the successful candidates, Mr. Cornelius Mnang’at from West Pokot County – a Physiotherapists, was elated at being handed his calling letter.

“I had no money at the time of reporting. My close friend told me I had been shortlisted and had to report at Embakasi Garrison. My family encouraged me and with financial support from well wishers, I made it to the interviews. It’s all thanks to the God,” he said.

Roselyne Kimutai, who holds a Diploma in food production, worked as as a house help at Kahawa West before applying to join KDF.

“My siblings and I have been orphaned since 2016 after our father passed away. And from then it has been a struggle for our eldest brother to take care of us,” she said at the reception station on Sunday.

Roselyne expressed her excitement today after being handed her calling letter, “I am happy that God has blessed me with this opportunity.”

“Now I’m hopeful of a better life in future and with my success here today, I’ll be one step closer to helping my brother to take care of our siblings,” she concluded.

Beth Mukiri from Mombasa was equally elated “After trying for three years I cannot thank God enough for this unexpected turn of events,” the chef said.

Recruitment at a time of COVID 19

The recruitment process was overseen by the Chief of Personnel, Brigadier Gati Maroa.

Candidates were taken through a keen and rigorous dicument verification process and varied medical check up to meet the requisite standards as per the KDF.

“Despite the COVID-19 pandemic hitting an all time high infection rate, the recruitment process proceeded as scheduled.

Strict and elaborate measures were put in place to counter the spread of the virus,” said the Chief of Personnel

“Both KDF personnel and the candidates will observe and comply with all the laid down Ministry of Health protocols. Hand washing points, sanitisation, proper prevention gear and clothing and most importantly social distancing will be strictly adhered to during this exercise,” Brig Maroa said on Monday.

He also highlighted the recruitment of new and much needed professions into the KDF, “Alongside Medicine, Engineering, Journalism just to name but a few, we have included other professions for instance special needs has been considered this time round to cater for such needs from our personnel and their dependants,” he said during his interview.

Brigadier Maroa assured candidates of an open, free and fair recruitment exercise. He encouraged those who were not successful not loose hope.

*Do not abuse drugs or engage in premarital sex*

The Senior Medical Officer Colonel Dr. James Mwika also congratulated the successful candidates. He also noted that most of the candidates who failed at the medical check up phase, did so because of drug abuse which led to a positive toxicology result, positive test for HIV, STIs and pregnancy.

“It is your responsibility to shy away from recreational drugs and premarital sex,” he urged the candidates, “It is saddening that some of these preventable issues led to quite a number of the youth failing the medical stage,” he noted.

*Caution to the newly recruited candidates*

Col Mwika concluded by urging the successful candidates to take care of their health because the medical examinations would be repeated when they report to Recruits Training School in Eldoret for additional processing and commencement of training.

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