Following the devastating effects of climate change around the globe, the Kenya Army personnel at Kenyatta Barracks in Gilgil on 05th April 2023 have continued to upscale their efforts to grow trees in the military cantonment in a bid to ensure the area is well forested.

The personnel were joined by their families and representatives of various stakeholders from the Equity Bank, Gilgil Branch and Globe Gone Green Organisation.

The exercise was presided over by General Officer Commanding Western Command Major General David Tarus where over 4,300 assorted tree seedlings comprising of indigenous and fruits trees were planted.

Major General David Tarus urged the personnel to take advantage of the ongoing rains to plant more trees in their Formations, Units and personal residences in order to help avert the devastating effects of climate change.

‘‘Trees are critical components of our ecosystems however; human activities around forests have increasingly destroyed them thereby putting us on the verge of destruction. Let us all in one accord be good stewards of the environment for a better future,’’ said Major General Tarus.

Paul Mwai, the Equity Bank-Gilgil Branch team leader, urged the Kenya Defence Forces personnel and all environment stakeholders to heighten tree planting exercises across the country which will be good examples to future generations on matters environment conservation.

‘‘I will encourage all of us to play our part in the conservation agenda. The negative side effects of climate change are devastating and if left unaddressed, our food chain systems and living conditions will be greatly affected,’’ said Mwai.

The tree planting exercises being undertaken by the KDF personnel in various areas are in line with the government’s agenda to increase forest cover in the country to 10% by 2030 and to sustainably manage forest resources for environmental protection and enhanced economic growth.

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