The Military Wives Association of Kenya (MWAK) today donated assorted aid devices to children abled differently at Lanet Barracks, Nakuru.

The children were drawn from families of Service Personnel attached to KDF Services, Formations and Units and residing in the region.

The devices donated included wheel chairs, ankle foot orthosis (AFO) as well as standing, sitting and walking aids in a ceremony graced by the General Officer Commanding Western Command (GOC WESTCOM) Major General Joseph Kivunzi.

In his address, Major General Kivunzi thanked MWAK for the tremendous work they are doing in providing welfare services to Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) personnel.

“You have taken up a great responsibility and we are ready to support your work 100% by holding your hands and propelling you forward. The physical and mental health of a soldier contributes to mission readiness in executing assigned duties in defence of the nation,” said Major General Kivunzi.

He conveyed regards of the Commander Kenya Army Lieutenant General Walter Koipaton who appreciated MWAK for choosing to address welfare challenges that exist within KDF, pledging his support.
MWAK chairlady Mrs. Tabitha Kibochi said the support so far received from the KDF is an indicator of the value attached to the role the association is playing.

“This day offers us firstly an opportunity to express our love to the wonderful children seated here, secondly an opportunity to honour, thank and support KDF fathers and mothers who have answered the noble call of parenthood and continue to fly the KDF families high despite the challenges,” said Mrs. Kibochi.

She encouraged parents of differently abled children not to shy away from seeking assistance. “I am sure that the parents who participated in the survey done earlier are delighted to see the positive results and that those who did not, should be encouraged to come forward.” Mrs. Kibochi added.

The chairlady assured KDF and families present that MWAK has the drive and commitment to continuously support and complement the Compensation and Welfare department in service delivery to KDF personnel and families.

The Chief of Compensation and Welfare at the Defence Headquarters Brigadier Jeremiah Maroko appreciated the role MWAK is playing in supporting welfare matters affecting KDF families.

“The members of MWAK you are seeing here today are very instrumental and passionate about the welfare of KDF personnel and their families. They have chosen to do this work voluntarily and for this we are much indebted. To MWAK, you have demonstrated to us the true meaning of love,” said Brigadier Maroko.

He said that the role MWAK is playing is an awakening call that disability is not inability and thanked the Chief of the Defence Forces and the Director of Medical Services for providing funds to purchase the equipment donated so far in Kahawa, Mtongwe, Moi Barracks and Lanet Barracks.

Commander 2nd Brigade, Brigadier Peter Muteti thanked MWAK for such a great gesture saying that with good welfare the soldier’s readiness is enhanced for efficient service to the nation.

Mrs. Irene Malich, whose son was a beneficiary of today’s donation, appreciated MWAK and said, “Provision of these important devices is a sigh of relieve and a heart touching experience to us parents. If portrays empathy to our less advantaged children and goes a long way in reducing the stress of raising them,” she said.

Also present during the event was the MWAK secretary Mrs. Aileen Ogolla, MWAK members, Senior Officers, Officers, Service Members, Parents, children and invited guests.

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