Lieutenant General David Kimaiyo Chemwaina Tarus was born on 31 July 1968 in Uasin Gishu County.  He was enlisted into the then Kenya Armed Forces as an Officer Cadet on 11 May 1988 and Commissioned as an Officer on 11 August 1989. After completion of his Cadet training, he was posted to 75 Artillery Battalion as a Troop Commander and served in other various appointments in the same Unit including as the Adjutant, Battery Commander and later on as the Battalion Second in Command.

Military Career and Appointments. Lieutenant General Tarus has held several Command, Staff and Instructional related appointments in various Kenya Defence Forces establishments. Notably, he has served as an Instructor at Peace Support Training Centre, Joint Command and Staff College for Grade Three Staff Course and Senior Directing Staff at Joint Warfare Centre. In Staff, he has served as Staff Officer at Headquarters Western and Eastern Commands, Headquarter Kenya Army and Defence Headquarters.

In addition, he was the Deputy Commander Artillery Brigade from 31 July 2015 – 28 July 2016 and later on Commander Artillery Brigade from 06 May 2019 – 30 December 2020. He was the Commandant Joint Warfare College from 31 December 2020 – 19 July 2022, General Officer Commanding Western Command from 20 July 2022 – 27 April 2023 and Deputy Army Commander from 28 April 2023 – 07 March 2024. He was promoted to his current rank on 08 March 2024 and appointed Commander Kenya Army.

Military Courses. Lieutenant General Tarus in his military career spanning more than three decades has attended various courses relevant to the various appointments he has held. Key among them:

    1. Junior Command Course – Joint Warfare Centre
    2. Grade Two Staff Course – Joint Command and Staff College
    3. Command General Staff Course – USA Leavenworth
    4. Senior Command Course – Joint Warfare College
    5. Grade One Staff Course – National Defence College

Civilian Education. He holds a Masters of Science (USA), Bachelors of Military Science (Egerton University), Diploma in Strategic Studies and Diploma in International Relations (University of Nairobi).

Peacekeeping Missions. He has served in United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in various parts of the world. Among the Peacekeeping missions he has served include the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) and United Nations and African Mission in Darfur (UNAMID).

Honours and Awards.             In recognition for his distinguished and exemplary service, H.E the President and Commander in Chief of the Defence Forces has awarded him several medals, the highest being Chief of the Order of the Burning Spear (CBS).

Family. He is happily married to Monicah and blessed with four boys.      He has two grandchildren.