Kenya Air Force Flying Training School Graduation Ceremony

Kenya Air Force Flying Training School Graduation Ceremony

The Commander Kenya Air Force (KAF) Major General Francis Ogolla presided over Flying Training School (FTS), graduation ceremony at Laikipia Air Base (LAB) on Friday, 26th June 2020.

FTS graduands comprise of pilot Officers trained in fixed-wing, helicopter, and fighter aircraft.

During their training, the Officers attained the required flying hours to enable them to become KAF pilots and were awarded pilot brevets.

The Commander KAF while giving his remarks said that the Officers were crossing a very significant bridge in their flying career.

Maj Gen Ogolla urged the graduands, and all KAF Personnel, to be ready to offer their selfless service whenever called upon to the noble duty of supporting Land and Maritime operations, as well as in safeguarding Kenya’s territorial integrity.

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