Kenya Defence Forces in partnership with the Rotary Club of Nairobi – Lang’ata, today handed over the completed Oloomaiyana Water Project to the Oloomaiyana community, in Kajiado County.

Prior to this event, the people of Oloomaiyana would commute for atleast fifteen kilometres every day to fetch water from the nearest basin, for their livestock and personal use. Rotary Club on behalf of the community made a request to KDF seeking assistance in provision of clean and potable water for the community.

KDF spokesperson, Colonel Zipporah Kioko, on behalf of General Robert Kibochi the Chief of the Defence Forces graced the occasion. She lauded the Rotarian’s efforts in assisting the Oloomaiyana Community and reiterated KDF’s secondary mandate of providing Humanitarian Civil Assistance.

‘While the mandate of the Defence Forces is to defend and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Kenya, we are also mission ready to assist other authorities in situations of emergency and disaster. In addition to this KDF also participates in humanitarian civic activities to improve the lives of Kenyans.”

In the case of the Oloomaiyana water project, “providing a population of more than 1,200 with access to  clean and safe water for drinking, cooking, cleaning and for their livestock was  a compelling request” – she added.

KDF sunk a 280 meters deep borehole with a yield of 7,200 cubic Litres per hour, and equipped it with; a submersible water pump, solar power, and constructed an elevated water tank tower hoisting two water tanks of 10,000 Litres each. The water was also reticulated 4km to the Oloomaiyana Centre water kiosks and adjacent facilities such as the Early Childhood Education Centre and the local dispensary.

“Provision of safe, clean water will uphold the dignity of the community in accessing life’s most valuable resource,” noted Col. Zipporah.

She also thanked the two families – the family of Mzee Ole Tukai and the family of Mzee Kilama who had collectively donated land to the community for the water project.

Rotary Club President, Mrs. Sarah Migwi, told of how the club first paid visit to the rural community after fellow Rotarian and Oloomaiyani son, Mr Tony Tukai informed them of his people’s plight.

“What hit us most was their lack of access to clean, non-contaminated water.” Mrs. Mwigi said.

It was then that she and the Rotary Club committee representatives sought an audience with the CDF Gen Kibochi and requested for KDF’s assistance.

The area’s chief, Mr. David Samperu, expressed his gratitude and commended the KDF for their role in providing a safer and sustainable source of water for the community.

He also on behalf of the community gave assurance that the community would protect the water project and ensure its sustenance.


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